суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Oh my god. So now i see why things didnapos;t turn out the way i thought it would be. She is now open, you are open, i am open. And you just went straight for the jackpot. Jackpot equals not me.

ok, so now i got it. Iapos;ve got beautiful features. Nice smile. Nice hair. Nice face. But myself? Iapos;m confident, but like everyone Iapos;ve got inscurities also. Like Superman. He is super but what about those green rocks? just like me, my personality. I guess this is the first time that i really didnt get anywhere without my looks. Dont lead me on like taht. First i was like "Eugh�Hell no nigga." and then later people where like "OMG" and then i just was like "OH
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