Happiness is a reason for living.� From Happiness comes love.� Without happiness there would be no love, and without love there would be no happiness.� Happiness is never constant.� Sadness and depression sometimes has the power to overcome your happiness.� But it is up to you not to let them destroy�your happiness completely.� So that�eventually happiness will once again have the power to overcome your sadness or depression.� Everyone has the ability and right to be happy but everyone will also have to endure hard times.��� Iapos;ve struggled many times with feelings of depression and sadness but�I understand the value�and importance of happiness.� Therefore I do my best to keep a happy mind and�more importantly a happy heart.� God brings us struggles to make us�stronger but it is up to us to�get through those�struggles and find happiness again.� For those who choose the path of misery will�die a slow death and those who�choose to find happiness will live a fulfilling life. I wish for all my�family and�friends as well as the rest of human kind true happiness.� I pray that all those who are suffering will get through their struggles to experience happiness yet again.� When one is happy thier heart is at peace,�when they are depressed thier heart is weak, and when they are sad thier�heart is broken.� Happiness is a blessing from God.� Happiness is a�reason for living.
God Bless...
Be Happy������
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