I canapos;t believe it... Honestly, Iapos;m still stunned. *breathe* Well, she finally said sheapos;d be okay with it. She even said that she and my grandmother would help me pay for it so that I could make it happen. Wow. Acceptance and support? Holy shite... I never saw this coming
Last night, I�told my�mom about my desire to officially change my name to Wilhelmina Michaela Nicholson. Iapos;ve been wanting to change it for years but never had the money to throw down for it. It just never was important enough- especially since I already use�Mina full-time... Even at work.We talked about my desire to take on my motherapos;s maiden�name in honor�of my PopPop.�When�he passed in January, I lost�a father... He was so much more than a grandparent. He was my rock, my support... The cheerleader in my corner that taught me I could do anything I set my mind to. He showed me the world was my oyster... And as my graduation from NCC approaches, I wanted to give him (and not my dead-beat father) the credit for all of my accomplishments. Graduating with a 3.93 GPA and what I believe to be Summa Cum�Laude, I want him to be there with me... Even if only in spirit. In my heart, I know heapos;s proud of me.
Mom said sheapos;ll prolly still call me Toni, but sheapos;s okay with it. Actually, she said she might be able to get used to Wilhelmina... She likes that a tad better. She didnapos;t fight it... Not like before- although�Mom did try to convince me to take on a different middle-name. LOL�But then I realized what my initials will be... WMN. Women. How appropriate for this gender radical feminist I couldnapos;t have picked it better myself ;)
de joubert syndrome, de joues magasin, de jouet magasins, de jouets magasin.

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